Cape Cod Village Club, Inc. was formed in 1939, but the history of the land it sits on stretches back much further. The earliest documentation and historic accounts show that James Caldwell—a notable Irish immigrant and successful entrepreneur—purchased the land Cape Cod Village Club sits on back in 1787 as part of his venture to develop travel and commerce in the Lake George region.
Prior to colonial expansion into the area, this region of the Adirondacks—and indeed the majority of the Adirondacks altogether—were home to the Kanonsionni native people (now referred to as the Six Nations and more commonly known as the Iroquois). The park lands here in Hague and throughout the rest of the Adirondacks are perhaps some of the only places left today that can come close to resembling the ancestral lands that these ancient tribes inhabited.
Closer to the present day, in 1958, the original owners of the cottage rentals that existed here began to sell off lots to individuals. A complicated and confusing series of property sales, subdivisions, and swaps proceeded (see George Stanford's "A Brief History of Cape Cod Village" for more detail) until 1966 when all of the properties came under ownership of Cape Cod Village Club, Inc. After a few more minor property acquisitions — with our most recent member joining in 2016 — we arrive at the thirty-three family association that we have today.